Submental Liposuction
In essence, Submental Liposuction is facial liposuction and is normally performed on the jowls and neck area. After Dr Serrurier, has assessed your problem areas and you have been prepped for surgery, he will remove the unwanted and excess fat from your face, as discussed.
Being a facial procedure Dr Serrurier, uses the latest instruments to perform the Liposuction, which help to minimise and in most cases, eliminate the risk of visible scarring.
If you have droopy jowls and want your jaw and chin line back, or you want to get rid of that "turkey neck" then this procedure is one you should talk to Dr Serrurier about.
Traditionally the results are significant and the minimally invasive procedure will have you back at the office in no time, allowing you to rejuvenate your face and not take extended leave.
Again, it is important to Dr Serrurier, that he fully understands your expectations so that he can structure the surgery to your individual requirements.
If you're considering having Submental Liposuction Surgery, make an appointment with Dr Serrurier, and discuss your personal, desired outcome with him today.
Submental Liposuction is popular among both men and women and many people who undergo the surgery also consider Blepharoplasty Surgery, Fillers and Restylane® Vital to further rejuvenate their face.
For more information on Submental Liposuction Surgery contact Dr Serrurier's rooms